January 14, 2024
¿Está interesado/a en tomar clases de Inglés para adultos? Si le gustaria inscribirse, puede regístrarse en la Secundaria Blackstock JHS el 01/17/24 de 6:00-7:30 PM. Las clases se...

January 7, 2024
We invite our Williams community to support our school team during the Spotlight on Williams presentation at the January School Board Meeting, 01/22/24 6:00-6:30 PM. Please reach...

December 8, 2023
Our classroom champs will be competing in the annual Williams Spelling Bee on Friday, December 15th. We're looking forward to an exciting event. A big thank you to our Queen Bees...

November 11, 2023
Williams School will be closed for the Veteran's Day holiday on Friday, 11/10/23. Veterans Day, observed annually on November 11, is a tribute to military veterans who have serve...

November 2, 2023
We invite you to join us for our next Cafecito meeting on Wednesday, 11/08/23, from 8:00-9:00 AM in room P2. Los invitamos a nuestra siguiente reunión de Cafecito con la Directo...

November 2, 2023
En nuestros continuos esfuerzos para que nuestra comunidad de Williams regrese a la escuela, invitamos cordialmente a nuestras familias a venir a almorzar con sus hijos el jueves,...

October 28, 2023
Si su hijo/a planea participar en el Desfile de Disfraces de Williams este martes, por favor repase las reglas de disfraces a continuación...¡gracias!

October 28, 2023
If your child plans on participating in the Williams Costume Parade on Tuesday, please review the costume rules below...thanks!

October 26, 2023
Teachers will be attending workshops during our Staff Development Day. There will be NO SCHOOL for students on Wednesday, 11/01/23. We look forward to seeing our Wildcats back i...

October 7, 2023
Get ready to Drop! Cover! And Hold On! Williams School staff and students will be joining millions as we participate in the Great CA Shake Out earthquake drill on Thursday, 10/19/...

October 1, 2023
T1 mid-trimester progress reports will go home on 10/06/23 to inform families if their student is struggling or performing below grade level. Mid-trimester progress reports allow...

September 10, 2023
We invite you to join us for our next Cafecito meeting on Wednesday, 10/04, from 8:00-9:00 AM in room P2.
Los invitamos a nuestra siguiente reunión de Cafecito con la Director...

September 5, 2023
We invite you to join us for our first Cafecito meeting of the school year. Our meeting will be held on Wednesday, 09/06, from 8:00-9:00 AM in room P2.
Los invitamos a nuestra...

September 4, 2023
Please take some time to review our September Bulletin below:
Parent Bulletin - September
Favor de repasar el Boletín de Padres de septiembre:
Boletín de Padres - septie...

August 20, 2023
Please take some time to review the Back to School Parent Bulletin below:
Parent Bulletin - August
Favor de repasar el Boletín de Padres de Regreso a Clases deb...

August 20, 2023
REMINDER: Williams students need to be picked up from school early EVERY Wednesday. Please review the early dismissal schedule below to make transportation arrangements and hav...

June 28, 2023
We would like to thank our Williams families for all of the help and support this year! We are especially thankful for your participation in all of our school events, support of...

June 27, 2023
We will be welcoming back our Williams Wildcats to the first day of school on Tuesday, 08/22/23. We look forward to seeing everyone soon! REMINDER: School uniforms will be REQUI...

June 27, 2023
We invite you to register Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and NEW students during our summer registration hours. The schedule will be as follows:
Monday, 07/10 - 8:00-...

June 27, 2023
If you enrolled for SHINE Summer Camp, your first day of camp will be on Monday, 07/10/23. Summer school will be held at Haycox Elementary School from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Please ...