RECORDATORIO: Todos los estudiantes de Williams tendrán salida temprana a las 11:00 am el último día de escuela antes de las vacaciones de invierno (jueves, 12/20/2018). POR FAVOR hagan todos los arreglos de transportación necesarios para recoger a su hijo/a a tiempo. El programa de después de escuela también se cancela el jueves.
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
REMINDER: All Williams wildcats will have minimum day dismissal at 11:00 am on our last day of school before winter break, Thursday, 12/20/2018. PLEASE make all of the necessary transportation arrangements for your child to be picked up on time. Remember that ASES is cancelled on Thursday too.
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
‪Thank you to our @TK5_Wildcats band for playing their little hearts out for their family and friends tonight! Thank you to Carlos Perez, our band director! #hesdpride #letsgetconnected ‬
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
Los estudiantes de Williams regresarán a su horario regular a partir de mañana, el lunes, 12/10/18: TK: 8:00-11:21 am K: 8:00-1:30 pm Grados 1-3: 8:00-2:20 pm Grados 4-5: 8:00-2:30 pm
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
Williams students will return to their regular school schedule beginning tomorrow, Monday, 12/10/18: TK: 8:00-11:21 am K: 8:00-1:30 pm Grades 1-3: 8:00-2:20 pm Grades 4-5: 8:00-2:30 pm
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
As usual, Williams students will follow their Thursday early dismissal schedule tomorrow: TK: 8:00-11:21 am K: 8:00-12:15 pm Grades 1-3: 8:00-12:35 pm Grades 4-5: 8:00-12:45 pm
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
Como de costumbre, mañana (12/06/18), los estudiantes de Williams seguirán el horario de salida temprana de los jueves: TK: 8:00-11:21 am K: 8:00-12:15 pm Grados 1-3: 8:00-12:35 pm Grados 4-5: 8:00-12:45 pm
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
Our @TK5_Wildcats are dancing their little hearts out at the DWOFS grand recital! #hesdpride
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
Están invitados a nuestra reunión de Cafecito con las Directoras MAÑANA, 12/05/18 @ 7:45-8:15 am en el salón de computación de Williams. Además, TODOS los estudiantes están invitados a participar en las siguientes rifas: 1) Los estudiantes que donen para la colecta de alimentos enlatados participarán en una rifa para ganarse una bicicleta nueva. 2) Los estudiantes que asistan a la Escuela Sabatina el 12/15/18 participarán en otra rifa para ganarse otra bicicleta nueva.
about 6 years ago, Williams Wildcats
Williams parents are invited to stop by for our monthly Coffee Chat with the Principals TOMORROW, 12/05/18 @ 7:45-8:15 am in the computer lab. Also, ALL students are invited to participate in the following raffles: 1) Students who donate to the canned food drive will be entered into a raffle to win a brand new bike! 2) Students who attend Saturday School on 12/15/18 will also be entered into a raffle to win another brand new bike!
about 6 years ago, Williams Wildcats
Mañana continuaremos con la SEMANA 2 (12/03-12/07) de nuestras conferencias de padres de Williams. Salida temprana: TK: 8:00-11:21 am K: 8:00-12:15 p.m. Grados 1-5: 8:00-1:15 pm.
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
Tomorrow we'll continue with WEEK 2 (12/03-12/07) of our Williams parent conferences. Early dismissal schedule : TK: 8:00-11:21 am K: 8:00-12:15 pm 1st-5th: 8:00-1:15 pm.
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
Our Williams community is invited to the Majestics Car Show & Toy Drive being held today, Sunday, 12/02/2018, from 10:00-3:00 pm. Admission is free...come and check out the beautiful cars! La comunidad de Williams está invitada al Espectáculo de Carros y Colecta de Juguetes patrocinado por el Majestics Car Club que se llevará a cabo hoy, el domingo, 12/02/2018, de 10:00-3:00 pm. Vengan a ver estos carros entrada es gratis.
about 6 years ago, Williams Wildcats
We cordially invite our Williams families to Movie Night ("Incredibles 2") TONIGHT at 6:00 pm in the school cafeteria. We'll have snacks for sale! Cordialmente invitamos a las familias de Williams a la Noche de Cine ("Incredibles 2") ESTA NOCHE a las 6:00 pm en la cafetería escolar. ¡Tendremos venta de comidas y golosinas!
about 6 years ago, Williams Wildcats
Mañana (11/29/18), como de costumbre, los estudiantes de Williams seguirán el horario de salida temprana de los jueves: TK: 8:00-11:21 am K: 8:00-12:15 pm 1ro-3ro: 8:00-12:35 pm 4to-5to: 8:00-12:45 pm ¡Hasta mañana!
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
As usual, Williams students will follow their Thursday early dismissal schedule tomorrow, 11/29/18: TK: 8:00-11:21 am K: 8:00-12:15 pm 1st-3rd: 8:00-12:35 pm 4th-5th: 8:00-12:45 pm See you tomorrow!
about 6 years ago, Principal Maria Granado
Los estudiantes de Williams tendrán salida temprana durante las conferencias de padres (11/26-12/07): Kinder Transicional (TK): 8:00-11:21 am Kinder: 8:00-12:15 pm Grados 1-5: 8:00-1:15 pm
about 6 years ago, Williams Wildcats
salida temprana
Williams students will be on an early dismissal schedule during parent conference weeks (11/26-12/07): TK: 8:00-11:21 am K: 8:00-12:15 pm 1st-5th: 8:00-1:15 pm
about 6 years ago, Williams Wildcats
conf early dismissal
Thank you Mrs. Johnsen & upper grade partners for organizing the Turkey Trot for our @TK5_Wildcats! Watching our TK'ers to 5th graders "gobble wobble" their way to the finish line made our month! Thank you to our families for the water donations! #hesdpride #letsgetconnected
about 6 years ago, Williams Wildcats
TK turkeys
There's so much to be thankful for this year! We appreciate the generosity of Patty Griffin and the Williams PTA. Six @TK5_Williams Wildcat families received turkeys and fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner today. #hesdpride #letsgetconnected
about 6 years ago, Williams Wildcats